Sunday, July 29, 2012


Opportunities abound within the City of Euless to help your City and your fellow citizens by offering yourself as a volunteer.   The term volunteer means a person who performs a service willingly and without pay.   In some cases the volunteer is the beneficiary, such as when enrolling in the Euless Police Academy or the Euless Fire Academy.  Other opportunities which help your neighbors include working with 6Stones in the Community Powered Revitalization, CPR, Program which rehabilitates homes for disabled and disadvantaged residents.  This is a tremendously fulfilling program.

There are many opportunities to volunteer in the Parks and Recreation Department and for golfers, one can volunteer to be a Players Assistant at the marvelous Texas Star Golf Course.

Volunteerism is alive and well in Euless and in each case, the volunteer receives the greater benefit.  For more information about opportunities for service please contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Jerry Poteet at 817-685-1449.   Jerry will offer suggestions for how you may best use your talents as a volunteer.  And believe me; he will put you to work.

Not only does the volunteer benefit but he or she prepares for a future of more significant service to our City.

You will soon see announcements for applications to be submitted by citizens to various Boards and Commissions within the City of Euless.  Service on these Boards and Commissions is a highly sought after appointment and requires both an application and an interview with Members of the Euless City Council.  Unfortunately, the number of openings is limited and only a few will be picked for this service.  But persistence is important and the benefits of this service are tremendous.  Appointments are made to the following:

Animal Shelter Advisory Board

Civil Service Commission

Crime Control and Prevention District Board

Euless Development Corporation Board

HEB Teen Court Advisory Board

Historical Preservation Committee

Housing Structure Board

Euless Non-Profit Industrial Development Authority Board

Library Board

Parks and Leisure Services Board

Planning and Zoning Commission

Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Board

Zoning Board of Adjustment

Other appointments are made periodically, not on an annual basis.  

Please watch for the announcement in Euless Today, which now comes with your water bill, and promptly consider and apply for service where your background and experience can best be of service to your FabEuless. 

City Council Meetings

Please, come join us for our City Council Meetings.  Normal meetings occur on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month, with the exception of July.  We meet in a Work Session at 4:00 PM and at 7:00 PM for the City Council Meeting, both at the City Hall.   These meetings are open to the public and you are welcome to come.  If you would like to speak or make a request, there is time for this allowed at the 7:00 PM City Council Meeting.

You can always contact me at or give me a call at 817-267-5775.

Glenn Porterfield

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